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Drive to Nosara

Thursday morning, Aug 17th, we woke up bright and early to pack for our drive to Nosara. We brought a few extra duffel bags to rearrange since we weren't restricted by the 2 checked/2 carry on per person. We now have 10 large bags, and at least 10 small ones. Our poor car [we

named her Despacita....cuz she's old and slow :)] wasn;t sure she was going to be able to hold it all, but we managed to get it all inside....

Along the way, we saw some pretty cool things, including mountains, clouds, and jungles. The drive was about 5 hours so there was plenty to see:

When we got there, we stopped for lunch while we waited for our friend Dayli to come dive down into town, so she could lead us to her house. Apparently, there's not much of an address or directions up to her house. During lunch I had fun taking pics of some new flowers:

We spent the next few days up here with Dayli and her family, which I'll post about next! Here's the drive map:

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