Nature Walk
Today Justin went to go look at cars to buy, so the girls and I went for a walk. We only went around a block or two, but there were so many different things to see!
Here we have some red flowers:
Should we go rainbow order? Orange?
I know it's not a flower, but its orange!
Now yellow:
This one is actually a weed! Pretty cool looking though.
Didn't see any green flowers, but how about some leaves?
This was the only one of this kind we saw...also a weed
Tons of purple ones:
Also tons of pink ones:
These were the "flowers" on the tree, but they look like leaves!
This was the bush that those cute little pink ones were on-yikes!
And last but not least (for flowers anyway) is white!:
Now for some fauna. We saw some cool ants carrying leaves. Not sure if they were leaf-cutter, since they were carrying fallen flower petals and not chopped up petals or leaves, and they looked like giant angry fire ants:
Then, we saw this gigantic dead moth. It was at least 6 inches, if not bigger:
The last thing we saw on our nature walk was this HUUUUGE spider. Here I was, walking down the sidewalk. I go to duck under this tree when I notice a spider web. It was just sort of stringy, like it was old, but then I followed it over to the actual web with its occupant. It's called a Golden Silk Orbweaver, which are not venomous, but I'm not joking. It was at least the size of my girls' faces.
The girls found a lime tree on the side of the road, not quite in someone's yard, so they picked some while I was busy taking a picture. When they got back they were busy juicing them:
And last for today: our little birdy friend who came to eat Solia's sandwich crumbs: